Free Prayer Request Form

Please, submit your free prayer request here. Do not
mention names and other things that can identify anyone because the requests are published. We read and pray for all requests. God bless you.

What does JesusF mean?


F stands first hand for first. Jesus First. That is the priority we have. But the F stands for more things - Jesus Financial Ministries of course but even more:

JesusF means Forum, Faith, Foundation, Fate, Fortune, Fortress, Fitness, Freedom, Future. Fair, Fury, Fear Flaming Fire, Fasting, and Fast.

God bless you!


  1. please heal Ligitas womb,clear from all the bad stuff; deliver my spine,especially sacrum from kundalini snake. heal Lydia from high BP, heal her brain after Rihards soul.

  2. Please pray so that all my daughters financial problems are solved and that she may turn over a new leaf so that she can take up a new life in proper happiness ........ as she has 2 Two kids daughter 16 years old and son 7 years old, both are lovable and are fondly attached to all in the family. Both of us are now retired and surviving on our pensions which is not sufficient to make our daily ends meet, as such please help me and my family in our daily needs and our future.

  3. please pray for my son.Bless him with good health,happiness,strength and most of all to continue to be addiction free .Please take his hand and guide him and protect him from harm.Please help him out of the darnkness,that anxiety and depression put him in.Please help him to do well with his work and be happy and meet good people.He is my life and it kills me to see him hurt this way.Please help him find his way.Amen.

  4. Oh my lord Jesus please help me lord please seen my problems and take my worries please dear now i am very worried about my husband please take us in your hands his family are very jealous on our life please teach him about who is good and bad i love you dear Jesus, i need govt. job please do a miracles in our life he hasn't heard my words please change him character please come soon dear lord i love you all in my Jesus name ., Amen.

  5. I want to give my life completely over to Jesus Christ. Please pray for me for wisdom. I truly want Gods instruction in knowledge and understanding. I want to have true wisdom for my family and my business and to know if God is calling me to ministry. I want my wife and children and friends to see that God is guiding my choices. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will lead me and that Gods word would teach me. Please pray that I will have eyes to see and ears to hear what God says for all areas of my life. I truly need wisdom. Thank you for your prayers.

  6. help for fanancial problems,,,ive got lot of debts,,,pray for me to find job,,,cure us hiv desease in Jesus Name

  7. father,remove the blockages from the job process.make it faster by your power.hence,our son can start his new job sooner.


Submit your prayer request here.

Avoid mentioning full names and other things that can identify people. Use initials or surname. God will know who it is about anyway.

We read and pray for all requests even those that are not published or removed. We keep them we are thanking God continuously.

You are also welcome to publish your prayers as well as your prayer requests.

Please come back and testify when you receive your answer.

God bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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