Free Prayer Request Form

Please, submit your free prayer request here. Do not
mention names and other things that can identify anyone because the requests are published. We read and pray for all requests. God bless you.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Free online prayer request form

Please feel free to publish your online prayer request here. We will pray intercessory for a financial miracle for you and your
prayer request in the name of Jesus Christ.
The Christian debt consolidation and
prayer service is free for you and
you can submit any prayer request,
it does not have to be about debt or
money trouble.

"And my God will meet all your needs
according to his glorious riches
in Christ Jesus."
(Phil 4:19)

This is what the LORD says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls."
(Jer 6:16)

The first one of the ancient paths is the path of Abram. He did give the priest Melchizedek tenth of his bounty. After that God blessed Abram in an exceptional way and made a covenant with Abram. (Gen 14-15)

The second of the ancient paths we find in Genesis 41:34. Joseph was the greatest business man the world has seen so far. He saved a fifth of all harvest and that way he could not only save the people through seven years of famine but he could thrive.

You should pay one tenth of your income to yourself. If you do that and invest your tenth in an index fund you will have one years income in your account in about seven years. An index fund has an average return of about 10 percent annually. After about 25 years you will be financially independent because now your capital will give as much return as your income.

This capital can then provide for your children after you. The Bible says, "After all, children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children."(2 Cor 12:14) and "A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children." (pro 13:22)

The third ancient path is described in Proverbs 22:6-7 "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."

There are two kinds of debts, consumer debt and investments. When you borrow for an investment you will hopefully end up with more funds then you started with and that way you can pay off your debt. But when you borrow for consumption you will end up with nothing but the debt and that is not a blessed way.

The fourth ancient path you will find in Deuteronomy 15:11, "I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land."

When you receive your wealth remember the poor. Please. The video below is an example. There are millions of poor people out there.

An Ancient Paths Conclusion

Pay off your debts and avoid taking new ones.
Pay one tenth of your income to your local church and be openhanded towards the poor that is blessed.
Pay one other tenth to yourself and become financially independent.

That is financial freedom!

Remember to give the glory to God when your financial freedom has come. I often think about those ten people who got healed by Jesus from leprosy and only one of them came back and praised God. Jesus asked where the others where. (Luk 17:17)

Give glory to God and never, never say "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me."

"But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your forefathers, as it is today."(Deu 8:17)

Remember to worship Him only. One way of ruining your life is to put your faith in your riches or your money, to worship Mammon. "You shall have no other gods before me", is the first commandment and if you put your faith or love money more than you love God you are in great trouble.

Did you know that the love of money can choke the word of God in your life? Jesus said that, "the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful."(Mark 4:19) In Matthew 16:26 we can read, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Both these verses warns us about the money idol and worries about the world. Instead we should call upon God, he will take care of our fears. "You came near when I called you, and you said, "Do not fear." (Lam 3:57)

Jesus also said, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

I say it is total impossible for a rich man or woman to enter the kingdom of God. It can't be done. The only way we can enter is by the grace of God. And when the disciples heard what Jesus said about the camel they all must have felt like camels because they said, "Who then can be saved?". Jesus replied, "What is impossible with men is possible with God." (Luk 18:25-27)

It is possible for God to save even a rich man.

Have your pride in the Lord and not in things created. Look at the ancient ways and follow them.

Live a simple life, abundantly and prosperous but without excesses.

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever." (1 Joh 2:15-17)

John the baptist was filled with The holy spirit and he lived in the desert. "John's clothes were made of camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey." (Mt 3:4)

I do not suggest you to live in the desert and so on, but a simple life has it's rewards. Judge your selves where is your pride and boasting. Is it in your nice expensive car? House? Jewelry? Money? Computer? Has your focus shifted from Jesus to something created?

Millions of children starve today. As long this is a fact I suggest we as believers of Christ try our best to live a life abundantly and prosperous but not in excessive luxury. This way your economy will grow and you will be able to help those in need.

Look at the richest man in the world today (2009), Warren Buffet. He lives a simple life and has always done so. If he had spent all his profits he would certainly not be the richest man alive. I do not say that he lives the the perfect life of a Christian but he is certainly an good example of a man with a good financial sense.

Less is more. A house designed by the best architect in the world will look poor and chaotic if it is stuffed with things. It does not matter if the things are expensive or not. But if you take a simple house paint it white inside and furnish it with a few beautiful furnitures the house will have harmony.

Look at Michael Jackson, "the king of pop". He earned millions but in the end he died with creditors hunting him from everywhere. A life of shopping does not make anybody happy, and it may well ruin your economy. It does not help you if you earn a billion if you spend two billions.

Jesus said,
-"Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."(Luk12:15)

The prophet Habackuk knew this. He did rejoice in the Lord even if he would have lost all his possessions,

"Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,

yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights."(Hab 3:17-19)

We should rejoice in the Lord, and not in our possessions of the world. "Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." (1 Tim 6:9)

If we love God beyond everything else we don't need to worry about riches. Jesus said:

“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

 16 And he told them this parable: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded an abundant harvest. 17 He thought to himself, ‘What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.’
   18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store my surplus grain. 19 And I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.”’
   20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’ (Luke 12:14-20)

But you really need to read vers 21 to get the whole meaining in what Jesus said here;

“This is how it will be with whoever stores up things for themselves but is not rich toward God.”

Let me repeat that if we love God beyond everything else we don't need to worry about riches. Sometimes we are afraid of money since Christians have been fooled  by Satan to have poverty as an ideal state. Satan wants us to be poor and helpless.

When some pray for blessings they pray that God should bless them so abundantly that they will have provisions for many years to come. This way of praying has been criticized because of the thought that if we get to much wealth  we do not need to pray next year and that way we become less dependent in God.

But God will bless us much more than just one years provision. He blesses us thirty-fold, sixty-fold and a hundred-fold. That will give you provisions for years to come. To reap hundredfold is not a curse but a blessing!

"Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him." (Gen 26:12)

Be unique

Don't be like everybody else in the world. Be unique. If you copy the behavior of the world you will become like the world. People with wealth does not do the same things or have the same thoughts as everybody else. If they did they would not be wealthy. Be unique. As a child of God you are unique and if you study the Bible you will find out that the chosen one of God were unique.

Online free prayer request form.


  1. Thank you Lord Jesus for financial independence to every visitor here. Thank you for great financial miracles.

    In the name above all names I rebuke Mammon and proclaims a new financial anointing and revelation to all visitors here. Amen.

  2. Please pray for the debts we are in to be erased in the name of Jesus Christ.Thank you.

    In Him,
    kavitha Gladys

  3. Please for the Debts that we are into be erased in the name of Jesus Christ.

  4. I have a friend who recently got saved. He obviously has a gift in making money, and God has given him very concrete guidance in business matters recently that is amazing. Please, pray for his soul and this gift from God to be to His Glory and to the blessing of many!
    Also pray for me and a business idéa ( I am in great need of advisors and so called "business angels" or investors).
    God bless you so much for this wonderful action to pray for financal freedom in Christ!

  5. dear jesus

    i pray to you to help me to resolve all my financial problem. i trust in your name amen.


  6. Please pray for us to be debt free, have so much debt its getting us down, please bless us with a financial windfall so that we can help others as well. Please hear our prayers, Lord in Jesus name we pray

  7. please pray that our motorhome sells very soon as we are in need of the funds to help us through this summer as my husband is now off work for the next few months. We are not asking for a hand out but that we can sell our motorhome quickly to get the cash.

  8. Blessings, can you keep Matt,s 09 prayer Journal 3 alive in your prayers and in relation to the contents of this Journal Mighty God will pour out Financial Blessings In Jesus Christ Name Amen! Thanks

  9. pls pray for me so that i can get a job....i need a job asap...pls pray for me....plsss.......

  10. pls pray for me sothat i can get my job back..pls pray for me....plsssss....thanku....

  11. Dear Jesus,
    May your will be done.
    Please Jesus through the properties we have for sale, which are the seeds we have to sow, we can help ourselves and others financially, physically, and emotionally. Please we need a miracle from you to bring forth a buyer as soon as possible. We are at our end, and fear for the children. Thank you Jesus.
    Forgive me for my sins, shortcomings, and unchristian ways. I do well always and everywhere to give you thanks and praise, to live in your image and do your will. Hear my need Oh Lord. Amen

  12. Please pray for me - I'm in great financial debt (due to past mistakes)and I cannot get out of this finanical mess. I'll not be able to get out of my situation without the Lord's blessings. Please Jesus, I'm at the end of road and I desperately need to experience your grace and mercy to deliver me. Thank you Lord. Amen.

  13. Dear In LORD
    Greetings to you in Jesus name from india we are doing ministry past 12 years amoung the children and remote and trible areas tellingabout Jeus ginging Bibles and conducating children camps and night times showing film of Jesus throu this ministry many are come to LORD now this ministry going very slow some of workd stoped to to no funds so I request you please pray for run this ministry for His Glory in this last days many are come to LORD all for His Glory and for His Kingdoom
    Thank you
    In Him
    Prasd babu

  14. Please pray for me that I may get enough money soon to completely settle my family and myself.

    May God bless you,

  15. Did anyone get a financial blessing recently?

  16. Me and my family did get blessed recently. We had to relocate to get a new job, and we bought an house. Now our tribulations started when we could not sell our old house.

    Now a year after I got the new job we finally got our old house sold.

    It was really a miracle and we give our thanks to Jesus and praise God for it.

  17. I am from mongolia. My name is ariunaa. PLEASE pray for me about i can submit, and enroll seoul national university.

  18. Please Jesus hear my prayer to you and if it be so your will i ask for a financial miracle, i need so many basic things for my home and i have debts because i have been ill and unable to work.
    I feel thet everthing is so difficult just now please help me keep up my strentgh to keep going.

  19. Please pray that I find a great job. Please pray that God will bless me with a man who will love me. Please pray that my sons will want me to be a part of their lives once again. Thank you. Virginia F.

  20. Praise the Lord and please join me in prayer that I receive both the miracle of bar admission and money on Friday, July 17, 2009. I ask all things in Jesus name, amen!

  21. Heavenly Father, I ask and pray to you for an urgent financial blessings for our pocket money going home to the philippines to fetch our little girl on august 11-17 to be back here in Singapore and I pray that the airline would allow me to travel on my six months pregnancy and for a safe landing, oh Lord.. Please make us healthy and free us from Swine flu pandemic during those times of travel my Lord.. For a financial blessing for the downpayment of 2+1 HDB unit located in Simei this september oh Lord and provide us a fully furnished and affordable unit, For a beautiful and highly compensated Architectural 5 days working job for my husband as cad drafter located in between Bugis and Raffles place area, for the urgent approval of our Family Permanent Residency (PR) here in Singapore on August 22, 2009.. I pray to you for a successful interview of our Family PR at the ICA Government of Singapore, oh Lord..For a normal and painless delivery on my nine months pregnancy... I really pray to you, oh Lord for a healthy bouncing baby boy..Safety, health, strength and wisdom for my family.. For a financial blessing for my monthly check-ups oh Lord.. And also, i pray to you oh Lord to please bless my boss for more big projects to come in our company.. I pray to you oh Lord that all on-hold projects and pending bills and payment will now resume.. Lord God, please help our company's financial so that my boss will not reduce our wages anymore and that our salary will be back to normal as usual... With absolute faith and confidence oh Lord.. Nothing is impossible with you..I ask this through your son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen... Jesus I trust in You.. Thank you so much oh Lord.

  22. Dear Lord,
    I pray for a finacial miracle so that i can attend to some urgent things that need to be done.
    i want to pray for my grown up children as two of them are only concerned with their own lives,i miss good quality time with them but they never respond to invites no matter how much i try. I have one other daughter she is so good and telephones and visits i do not know where i would be without her for that i give thanks and praise to the Lord.
    Sorry this is a bit long, at the moment many prayers are going to the two children of my nephew as they were abandoned by himself and his partner. I have approached the social care people to bring them to live with me, but they have said it will take time. My brother cannot take them as he has two children with him from a previous marriage. My nephews mother does not want to know. I know it is all in the hands of our Lord but i pray he will hear my prayer for the two children as i have not forgotten them.

  23. We have just finished filing for bankruptcy. We are in need of significant financial miracles. Please pray for our total and complete restoration and that we come out of this better than we ever were. Please pray for our family, as right now we are living off of my husband's small salary with four boys to care for. We are struggling to make ends meet every pay period. We need financial miracles. Thanks.

  24. Please I need your prayers. I lost my job, I´m struggling to make ends meet, I have debts amounting to $50,000 and collection agencies and lawyers threatening me with legal action. I am in despair and need a financial miracle and God´s infinite help. I repent for these debts I have accumulated, please Lord restore me to financial sanity and above all, give peace of mind. Amen

  25. I pray to Jesus that you might help our familia with our finances.

  26. our family health and wealth,my kovaicatering financial support,and my friend pranitha &praveen life partnership,madhiya good future.
    selvi good future. gokilavani good future.

  27. Our God is a powerful Lord. I pray HIM today for a financial support very urgent {student loan} I know he is able to do so in the name of JESUS sake I pray, thank you Lord in advanve, amen

    I would like to give my testimonial after the miracle, please pray for. God this is me Garry

  28. Please pray for my salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    To get economical independent.
    Pray for me to get free and unbound in body, mind and soul. I am living on social welfare, can´t find a job and have loans and debts of almost 40.000$ that I regret. I have to change all this in Jesus name but I am in unseen chains.

  29. dear sir
    im leaving in a rent room. i want my own home. need a better job, peace in my life. please pray for me

  30. in the name of jesus i pray for financial assistance and i trust in my lords mercy. i am about to get married in 2 months and my fance is going through very diffficult financial difficulties and unable to meet ends meet, i ask the lord to bless us and give us financial aid in which ever way possible, i trust my jesus will do the best for us.

    i love you jesus and have mercy on us, we surrender our life to u.

  31. My name is Letty. Please pray God Jesus removes my families financial burdens and HE supplies all our needs according to HIS riches in abundance.
    Letty, Kerala, INDIA

  32. Please Holy Father,
    I pray for my son, your son Matt to get a job soon. Father he does so much better when he is working, he lives responsibily and is not so anxious. Please Father, I ask for this in Jesus' Christ name.

  33. please pray for me to have the victory in life and be sucsessful.

  34. Lord Jesus is above any recession. I surrender myself to the Lord and pray that I and my family come through these challenging times. All things are possible with God
    Please pray for my Job Blessings.
    Thanking You

  35. Blessings, can you keep alive in your prayers Matt,s 09 prayer Journals 3, In Jesus Christ Name Amen!Thanks

  36. I need a financial miracle this week. Please pray for this breakthrough for me.

  37. Dear Lord, it seems like your face is set against me and that you have not been protecting me! I have been having evil spirits trying to enter my body, where are you in all this? It felt like a demon was speaking into my body today, so wicked. It feels like my body freezes and the thing seizes me. I am wondering now if I am going to hell and if I should commit suicide? It seems like there is no hope. Another Christian recently was wondering why Jesus, why you weren't helping me with this! You are all I have, you are the author and perfecter of my faith, why are you authoring such things in my life? In Jesus name amen

  38. Hello, I would like for you to pray for my two childen and myself I lost my job a couple of months ago. Then we where evicted from our home we have stayed everywhere including shelters. I can get help from different agencies but they say I have to find a job first and that has been so hard to do.So we have no place to go. Now m car has broken down again.But through it all i keep my faith strong I just need some extra prayer if you do not mind. GOD BLESS

  39. Dear Brothers & sisters in Christ,
    Please pray:
    1. That the lord blesses, guides, protects
    and keeps safe my children and
    family each and everyday.
    2. I receive my July salary tomorrow 5th Aug.
    3. All my debts are cancelled soon.
    4. End of June my bank gave out termination letter to 30 staff, my name was on the list too. before all staff could get the letters someone complained to Central Bank and the Central Bank intervened by ordering the bank to take back the letters and submit the termination staff names to them as the bank must pay each terminated staff 3 months salary plus one month salary for each year the employee worked with the bank...but the bank wanted to pay 1 month salary. I was so upset and prayed to the Lord and miraclously I found a job in another bank so I resigned on 16th July but I do not know if my resignation was accepted or not. The problem is if i resign I will not be entitled to the compensation but as my name was on the termination list it sent to the central bank before my resignation maybe i have a chance to get the please pray that the Lord touches the hearts of the Central Bank management and my bank management and they pay me the termination compensation of 3 months salary plus 1 month salary for every year I worked for the Bank. Thank you

  40. Please pray that all my debts are cancelled and I am paid my July salary tomorrow 5th August as I have to repay my monthly loans.

  41. I desperately need a financial breakthrough of some kind from Jesus. I have struggled with unemployment for a few years whilst trying to look after my sick father. I have a job now though, which is low paid. I now have a lot of debt which I am struggling with, I am paying it back each month, it will take me a few years, I would like to ask Jesus for a financial miracle please. My father has since passed away. I tried to take care of him because I loved him very much. Please also ask Jesus to keep me in good health please.

  42. I pray to you Lord in the name of Jesus Christ for help in our financial burden, business as well as personal. Thank you for being a part of my life and please stay a part of my life. Without you I am nothing.

  43. I have serious health issues and had some terrible health news today. I have some big decisions to make, I need God's health and wisdom. In Jesus name amen

  44. Please pray for a financial miracle
    for me and my family.

    We desperately need help.

    Thank you,

  45. My husband lost his teaching position in June and has been looking for a new position ever since. He interviewed for a pre-school position at a wonderful new school and as of yet has not heard back from the principal. His last pay check is this month after which we will not have enough to cover our bills. We are asking that you join us in prayer asking God’s help in procuring this position. Thank you for your prayers and may God richly bless you.

  46. Please pray that I will walk in confidence and have high self esteem. Pray that I become sure of myself and know my worth. I tend to feel out of place b/c I don't have a college degree, but I know the Lord can use me as I am. I am sure of that. Just pray that I don't allow myself to feel shallow because someone may be smarter or have more than I. Pray that I am able to outperform my peers in the same tasks and more. Thanks.


  48. Please Dear God, I have hit the walls this weekend. I must have bar admission and a financial miracle this week or I cannot go on. I ask all things thru the blood of our saviour Jesus Christ. I must beg you for both of these this week God, please, please, please, amen!

  49. Sir,
    My prayer request is for my marriage settlement and for my spiritual it is the important time for decision making regarding life this important time plz pray for gods will and his guidance for iam unable to i commit every thin unto him......iam peaceless too plz pray for lords peace and his blessings.......plz pray for my spiritual life too sir because since iam a hindu iam finding difficulties in doing gods things since my parents dont like me going towards jesus.....but plz pray that god should touch them soon and they should accept jesus.......praise god jesus

  50. financial breakthrough miracle urgent townhouse trying avoid foreclosure sept 11;overdue bills,car loan,credit cards,owe family members;loss job;trying to appeal disability attorney Fredrick R Stann for depression;anxiety;post trauma stress;degenerative disc lower lumbar spinal problems;protection from all types of evil,generation curses,curse,hexes. I've had enough of dealing these financial circumstances.Favor;wealth;prosperity;
    Deborah Mae Sabol

  51. We are a family of 4 - my husband, 2 baby girls and myself.
    Please pray for our finances to improve. We are in a very tight situation, we are completely broke and only a miracle can save us.
    We have loand, credits, bills, dues and so much more to clear.
    Please pray that God may answer our prayers with a miracle that would help us get out of this financial crisis

  52. My prayer is that I will be able to pay my bills in time. I need a financial blessing because my electricity is about to be turned off and i am behind on all of my bills. I just cannot seem to get my head above water. On top of that, my credit is horrible due to my divorce. Please pray for me.

  53. Hi,
    I was brought up in the faith byut have strayed from it. I know want to be saved again and renew my faith. My life is in crisis. I had a 2 month affair and have broken my husbands trust. We have a 4 year old precious daughter. I want my husband to forgive me and to renew his faith in me and become better person. I also have got him into a lot of debt and I want to repair all of these sins. Please pray for a miracle and for his heart to change towards me. I desperately need this miracle. praise to God who answers all prayers and forgives all sins.

  54. please pray for my family, we are in great financial stress. please pray we might somehow get a financial windfall to sustain us and to help our church who is also in need. i trust in the LORD GOD ALL MIGHTY and with your help i know hear will answer. thank you - roseg

  55. We are in need of financial help, my husband and I are facing an major problem, and I ask that the Lord God helps us thru this mess, and I know he will.. So I am asking my brother and sisters to pray for me.

  56. I ask for forgiveness for not being obedient and proscrastnating with my job as a Realtor. I am in immediate need of funds to keep my phone turned on for my business, my car payments made, and utilites. I am chasing one cut off date to the next and the anxiety is not want the Lord desires for me. I need immediate prayer for funds and I need to continue to repent all my sins. In the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost-- AMEN

  57. It was 2005 when i came to Germany and spent four years without going back to my country. So i and my two sisters prayed to God sothat we may go there this year. God made us a miracle and we were there this year so i thank God and give him glory for that. praise him

  58. please pray for me and get financial miracles

  59. Please pray that I get the job that I interviewed for on August 13th 2009. I really need it. In Jesus' name.

    Thank you and God Bless you.

  60. Please pray that my friend be healed of her broken heart. Please give her strength and peace. In Jesus' name.

  61. Please pray that my friend find peace in her new relocation. Bless her as she is troubled and helping others. In Jesus' name.

  62. Please pray that this man will find it in his heart to care about me. I really care about him a lot. I miss him. Please. In Jesus' name.

  63. Greeting to all the saints in Christ Jesus,

    We serve and awesome God!
    One day the father spoke to me and said you do not have money you have credit cards. That was the first time I realized the amount of debt I had accumulated via plastic money. I falsely assumed since I was to meet my financial monthly obligations i was ok. Did not know the enemy had a plan for my destruction. The Father knew and spoke to me in a most timely way.
    I now tithe 10% save 10% and have formed a plan to reduce the debt I have amassed. Has it been easy? No!!!! but worth it. I thank my Father for turning me away from the path of financial destruction. My faith in the God of miracles is stronger. I believe His word when He say above all thing He desires for me to prosper and be in good health spiritually, financilly, physically and mentally. Praise the Lord!

  64. Please pray for me that I will receive miracle in the form of financial help to settle debts (educational loans and broken work bonds), and enough money for me and my family to see the doctor for our long-standing illnesses.

  65. Please pray for my boyfriend Eric and his family for family peace and harmony. Pray for their salvation especially Eric's mother to repent of her idol-worshipping ways and stop forcing them on Eric causing undue stress to him. Pray for real peace to come to Eric's mother's heart. Pray for Eric to have a deeper fellowship with God, and to stand up for God firmly when the time comes.

  66. Dear lord jesus, I am in need of a miracle father. I am a paramedci for eastern shores rescue and our station is possibly being taken over by another company. I plead with you Lord Jehova to save my job so I may continue my studies and finish my ursing RN. Please keep us employed here in eastern shores as paramedics for many more years father save our jobs.

  67. pls. pray for me I have a big financial problem, i hvw a financial debt. Pls.JESUS help me if it is YOUR will I ask for a financial miracle. And pls. help me LORD that I can find a job as soon as possible bec. I'm a bread winner of the family and I need money for our everyday need. I need YOUR help LORD and I know only YOU can solve this problem. Pls. hear and answer my prayer LORD. I trust in YOU & I LOVE YOU !

  68. Lord I thank you for all that you have given to me, all the blessings that you have bestowed upon me so far and I ask you to forgive any wrong doing that I may have done as I will forgive those who have tresspassed against me. Dear Lord, I come to you right now asking You to please help me and my husband to get out of debt as we are drowning in debt. Please send us financial blessings to enable us to get out of debt, save our home from being repossessed. Please assist us to secure better paying jobs with better benefits and ensure that the business that we have started, succeeds, thrives and attracts the right kind of customers. Lord graciously hear my prayer.

    I ask this in the name of Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Amen

  69. lord i thank u for all that you have given me actually you more than i want.And pleasforgive for my mistakes jesus please. I have iaf exam on october 25th please help me in clearing that an bless me in getting selected in iaf please jesus only you are the person who can help me please jesus and help me in studies in clearing the subjects please jesus .please jesus please help me in getting selected in iaf as that is my life ambition.please jesus luv u and trust you.praise the lord.please help me jesus

  70. Please Dear God, I am a sinner and I know it. However, Lord I have come to you in repentence. I need two miracles tomorrow, (1) bar admission and (2) one huge financial break. Please do this for me saviour, please. I ask all in your name Jesus, amen!

  71. I know and love the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior and my God but since i went back to school to be a medical assistant i felt like i'm losing contact with my Christian friends i feel like i'm surrounded by lost soul; foul mouth , swearings,gossiphere and their words i can't repeated. I feel i put Gods down for not sharing HIm to the people around me. I need someone to pray with me and be accountable i need help to pray for me.
    also, pray for my husband travelling to NC this week pray for his safety and protection; for my daughters pray to humble themselves to remove the stubborness in their hearts; and for my grandkids to keep them strong and healthy.
    Thank you for praying and God bless

  72. please pray for me and my family we all having ficial problem.let it be peace in our family .

  73. Dear Friends
    Please I am kindly requesting an earnest prayer for me to fulfill the desires of my heart in 1. Getting my lost love, for safety, security, peace .happiness and unity and good health for all my family members (wife (Shobna, children (James, Sharon & Alvin), my elderly parents and kin),

    2. A major financial blessing – to purchase a family home which I have located and costs around $60,000 (and that all obstacles will be cleared for acquiring this house)
    and to clear all my debts approx .$6750.00)
    Need urgent prayers. Please help.


    Subhash Chandra
    P.O.BOX 1740

  74. First of all I want to thank you all very much for who are praying for us, for the intercession. My husband felt when he was working, he hurted his knee, the ligaments.Beides this, we
    are desperate, we are having financial problems, we do not have money to pay the rent and pay our car bill, our insurance.
    My husband is a seller and for 8 weeks did not sell anything, I work as well, but my paycheck is not enough too.
    Please, help us with prayers, I pray that God send healing for my husband and financial blessing for our family.When we are in a desert, the ocean is hard to see. Please, God refresh and renew our strength. I pray that you make provisions for our needs.Help us to stand strong, Lord. We love you God and we desire to serve you.
    In Jesus name, Amen !

  75. Please pray that I do very well on my new job and graduate studies starting next week and that I meet a nice woman I can start a serious relationship with and become part of my family. Please pray that my mother and children have the health, strength and energy for the start of another school year. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and your families.
    Michael F. Flushing, New York

  76. Please ask the Lord to guide me and to make me strong as I am interviewing for a new job. Please ask the Lord to grant me the opportunity to continue to provide for my family.

  77. I lost love of my life. I cant live without him. I cant marry anybody else except him. please pray for me to get him back. and lived together happily eva. Thanks!

  78. Dear brother in christ,
    i will kindly request you do pray for my financial problem, at present my family is not getting things right even if i try all things to get finnancially secured also it does not get good positive result so i ask your good ministry to kindly pray for me.

  79. HiI want to start my own business I have not narrowed it down yet but I am in the need of a financial blessing soon I would like to get enough money to pay off my bills which would be about 18,000 but I say pour me out blessings so much I want have room to recieve them all I want to buy my first home soon and I would like all of my debts payed off first like anyone would I know getting alot oof money may be out of the question but pray for me that I and my husband do good in both our careers and that we pass our state test and that we get a job that pays good money at least a 1,000 or 2,000 every week I know there is nothing jesus can't do they are out there we just hadn't found them yet! Please pray for me a financial miracle!!!


  80. Please pray for me, Cheryl, that God will bless me within the next 7 days with a financial blessings. God knows why I am asking for this and why it's on my heart.. And please pray for weight loss for me and my husband, as we need this to be healthy again. And pray for good health for me, my husband, and my 3 daughters... I really need to find a good job before this year is over, so pray for God to bless me with a job soon... And last, please pray for my friend Jacobo, from Mexico, that he will be able to keep his job. He needs this very badly to be able to take care of his family and pay bills. And pray that he and his family will be blessed.. thank you for your prayers.

  81. Dear Brother in Christ,
    I kindly request you do pray for my financial problem, at present I am in debt, which I am trying to repay it to get free to manage my family expenses easily. So I ask your good ministry to kindly pray for my family and me.

  82. Please dear brothers and sisters pray that may the Good Lord in heaven eradicate all poverty in my life, and that I may have a positive progress in my life. In Jesus mighty blessed name. Amen

  83. PLaese help me pray for complete healing of my husband from cancer of the colon, lungs, liver etc.For my urgent financial blessings to meet the needs of my family: medication, tuition fees, debts payment and basic needs. Lastly, for the passing of my son in the NUrsing Licensure Exam. GOd bles. thanks

  84. I am Pastor Ron Axon from UK. Pleas pray for my wife, Eve who has problems with her right eye. Also, we need prayer for financial provision and guidance.

  85. Please pray for Albert Edwards who has cancer and Louise Tingey who has several health problems.

  86. Please pray that God's will is done in our life and that we fulfill what God wants to accomplish for Him. Pray that we are uplifted in spirit while waiting for the Lord to answer our prayers regarding our finances. Waiting is hard on us and our spirits low-- help with our depression over finances.

  87. Hello, my name is Fabien, i would like to request prayer, i am moving to Paris France on wenesday i am requesting prayer for God to bless the arrival, especially finding an appartment, please pray for the Lord to give me a place fast because last time i went i had to live in my car for three months with no showers! Also for my finances, i am doing adsense putting ads on my websites, if you could pray for my sites to give me enough money to livee and massage customers, as i am a LMT, also i would like to request prayer to make more friends in the churches in Paris! I have been working hard on an amazing christian video site ministry called with hundreds of christian music videos and free christian movies! I would like prayer for the French people in general to receive His salvation message countrywide because it is a very strong atheist counntry! Thank you, may God bless you too much!God bless fabien

  88. This is kind of a ridiculous prayer but I will request it anways.
    With the economy in it's current state a lot of houses are at a lower selling price than they normally would be. I have found a few for less than $70,000 in our area so my husband has requested a home loan so we may hopefully be able to own our first home. I pray that our loan will be approved, I know our credit isn't very good so I think it will cause problems. We want to grow our family but we need a home to put it in first.

  89. Hello, my name is Henry E
    Sumpter Jr from Greensboro,
    North Carolina. I would
    greatly appreciate it if would
    pray for a financial blessing
    to save my home, vehicle, and
    payment of my overdue bills.
    I know that I am going through
    what every other American is
    facing in this horrible
    economy. Thank you so much
    for taking the time of reading
    my prayer request.

  90. Dear Gods,
    please pray form to achieve financial freedom as I have been struggling for the past 40 years i am rediculed and always in finamcial crisis
    please pray and help me.




  92. Lord, I am Cheryl, and I ask prayer for these things - A nice financial blessing very soon. A good job before 2009 is over. Weight Loss, Good Health, and Prosperity for me, my husband, daughters, and my mother. My friend Jacobo, from Mexico, will be able to keep his job and have good health. Amen.

  93. Please pray for my daughter she has alot of hatefulness in her heart she has 2 kids.the oldest 1 tells his mom that when he gets older he's moving with his dad.both kids are going through some hard times with there mom.she called DHR on her coz to have her kids taken away from daughter is fighting over the kids because her sister can't have kids so she wants to get the 2 girls so she will have at her daughter that has the kids right now is lieing to the kids mother saying that she did not call DHR on her when she knows she did.Please pray for her.Lord please pray for my husband and son while they are on the road working.please pray for my husband to mange the money better for family and pray that we will get city water on our land soon.pray for our health,wealth,kindess,love.

  94. Father God ,I pray you will meet all my needs" financially, physically, emotionally, mentally ,& SPIRITUALLY . In Jesus Name.Amen !...Father,I stand upon faith and your word and trust in you .But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus .Phil.4:19(KJV)

  95. Lord Jesus, you are the Divine Physician, and the source of all life and health. Guide American nation at this critical moment, as American government seeks health care reforms. Give American elected officials the humility to know that they are servants, not masters. Give them the wisdom to realize that every life has equal value. Give them the strength to resist the idea that some lives can be sacrificed to save others or that killing the unborn is a part of health care. Give people the courage to speak up and to hold public officials accountable for their actions. Save us, Lord Jesus, from a culture of death, and let every reform in American public policy be based on the reform of our hearts and minds in the light of your Gospel, for you are Lord forever and ever. Amen.

  96. 1. I am B J. in Maryland living from place to place in need prayer in securing a place to live in Maryland near my job.
    2. I need my two Internet sites to prosper with the sale of my books.
    3. I need a part-time job in order to pay off bills until my Internet sales grow.
    4. My daughter's tuition needs to get paid. I need her community college to work with us until I can pay it soon. She needs to get into a four-year university in January.

  97. Dear Lord Jesus,

    I am JM.I am in need of a good house in my native place so that I can stay there after my retirement.Kindly help me Lord.

  98. Please pray that the debt that we have will be cleared up. Also, pray that through the Father's guidance we will become good stewarts of the gifts he gives us.

  99. please pray for me to get out of debt. I am very confused as to what I should do because I am living on credit cards, my husband lives in another state and does not care what happens to our kids and our home.He will not even help me put the house for sale or come home and help with the kids. please pray for us

  100. pray for me as we plan our wedding with joyce obbayi in sudan we need the hand of God to see us through name is moses wabwoba

  101. my age is 32 please pray for my marriage, to get a suitable life partner, i dont have house. due to financial problem i couldnot buy a house. please pray for me.

  102. for my daughter 18 to not obsess on her weight to the point of not eating as well as her looks. That she would become more comfortable with how she looks. Pray she would seek help if she needs it and that I could be there for her if she get worse. Help me to know how to help her.
    let me have peace about my biopsy of my vaginal area that I would find out what is causing the itching and scarring.

  103. Hi all
    Please pray for to have well paying Job so that I can afford my life , support the work of God , my family .At the moment I am not earning enough , I have the following to pay Bond House for R99000.00 , Car Finance for R48000.00 , FNB Credit Card for R29000.00 , Wesbank Loan for R9000.00 , PLEASE gOD CAN HELP ME WITH THIS REQUEST i WILL BE ABLE TO LIVE A NORMAL LIFE .David Mulibana

  104. Please pray for my unsaved love ones for Salvation,pray for my health,strength,
    healing of my body,pray for a financial
    blessing,pray for a soulmate for marriage
    and family.

  105. Heavenly Father, here i am humble myself before your throne. Forgive my sins. Lord Jesus i am asking for a breakthrough in my life especially financialy. I lost my job, im 8 months pregnant, i have accounts to pay and i have no money to do the basic things. On the other side my jobs last only 3 months and that comes once a year, i dont even know what kind of a spirit is that. I just need a breakthrough in my life. Thank you for answering my prayer Jesus. To God be the glory, for thine is your kingdom the power and the glory forever, Amen

  106. Thank you for this. In Jesus I trut to reach the truth. I have a repeating pattern of false accusation in my life, recurring people appearing to be friends an stealing and wanting to destroy me financially. Please pray to break bondage in my life. I know God chastise those He loves but I feel lonely and hurt and I need a release within truth. The financial and personal shame involved is causing me to fall asleep crying. This has been going on for a few years. I truly dont know if I can take this anymore...

  107. Please pray for me I am divorced dad with 2 boys at home was left with alot of bills. I am struggling to keep the house and pay off everything.I cant get another job to help as my sons need me home at night. I am so lost and cannot get out of from under this

  108. I need a blessing of abundance to keep my house and the blessing of peace to calm my terrible anxiety over fear of losing it.

  109. Please pray that I have peace during this difficult time financially and that I be able to save my home.

  110. Im very thank full to those who are praying for us..Please pray for me as my exam is nearing which is on oct 25 and i dint yet received my admit card as day by day waiting is becoming very hard so please pray for me in getting that admit card and for getting selected please jesus help me please...praise the lord..amen

  111. Please help me pray that my mother be cured of her gall bladder stones and eased of her pain and discomfort. May she be blessed with good health of mind body and spirit.

  112. O Holy Father, I pray in the name of Jesus that my daughter be blessed to perform well in her forthcoming exams for which she has worked so hard overcoming obstacles and illnesses. In Jesus' name Amen.


  114. Pray for Amanda to receive favorable outcome from the Lord. She will be taking the LSAT test on Saturday the 26 2009 May the spirit of the Lord accompany and enlightens her.

  115. 111
    Need financial favors from the hand of my Lord.

    Marie Ch.

  116. Please pray that I will be able to come up with money for my rent and other bills that I have, thank you.

  117. Please believe with me for my daughter Gabrielle's restoration to the Lord.
    That every bondage and deception is broken off of her life. That our God, is breaking and removing every wrong relationship; and bringing right relationships into her life, as instruments of the Lord’s grace, to recover her from every pit of destruction, and causing her to regain her purposed destiny in serving and living whole heartily for the Lord. That the grace of God is working in her, delivering her, setting her free from every addiction and bondage of the enemy. And that the Lord Jesus is keeping her safe and protected, while God is working, restoring a love and desire for God in her life. A Praying and believing Dad, Dale

  118. Please pray for my family we need some kinda blessing for our financial situation.My husband is out of a job but does have an interview tomorrow I pray to you lord jesus christ that he gets hired and we will be able to pay our bills we have 3 kids.I have faith in you & belive that you will bless us all in good time. In the name of the father,son,holy spirt AMEN

  119. Please pray that I will come up with the money for my eviction and truck note. I was laid off from my job in January and have been behind since. It is very stressful and I think my daughters are starting to sense the stress. Please God watch over us. We need your blessing. Thank you Jesus.

  120. Please pray that my dues owed to HDFC Bank credit cards are paid off easily and effortlessly.

  121. physical and spiritual healing. as well as jobs and godly ladies to share it with

  122. Please pray God helps with a lease sale closing now. Without this close and payment my home and auto will be lost. Banker is picking up my car and truck today if this does not close. I ask in Jesus Christ's name to reduce my debts. And to give me peace so that I may rest. Stress keeps me awake in fear of being homeless. I thank you and God Bless you for keeping my family in your prayers. NP

  123. Pray that my husband Frank will communicate with me. Pray that he may heal of all his guilty feelings from all the hurt he has caused the people who love him. Pray that he may follow God and ask for his mercy on him. He doesn't believe in God and is frustrated with everyone he loves. He hasn't talked to me in over a week and has a history of doing this when he is hurt or frustrated. He doesn't show that he cares about his son or me-his wife. Please pray that he may be healed from himself so that he may follow God's ways of forgiving and loving. I ask this in name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Thank you.

  124. Dear Father, I pray in your name to help my family in the financial debt crisis. Help save my husband and son. My husband is in jail. Our house in up for forclosure. I am the only one working. I know with trust in God and prayer, he will see us through. I am asking this in the name of Jesus.

  125. i want to be a prophet and have a good life

  126. God i have a girl baby he must be very intelligent in all things iam afraid about that she will become intelligent in future and she get good names for me and my husband.Godhow can i change my character to become a good person in my life and good name from others.God if i do anything right it become wrong and other person get good name and iam getting bad names from others.God answer my prayer.

  127. praise the lord,

    pl continue to pray for my forgery case with my brother ,as after my father death he made my forged power of Attorney and sold all
    my properties.

    MY brother is using all his influence on all the police officers and bureacrats . one of his friend who is a very top government official is helping and protecting sanjiv from police in this case.Now they r even threatning me.
    But my eyes r only looking at my Almighty god who has promised never to fail us. I thank him and praise him in every situation of my life.
    i beleive gods justice and victory in this case.

    i live in canada but i am in INDIA these days regarding this case only. .

    god is good all times and he has done so many miracles and wonders in my life.I thank and praise god in every situation of my life.

    may god open the eyes of all my bros and sisters and bless them and save them.
    pl pray for my mothers health also. Also pray for my court case with my city for registering my apartment.
    also pl pray for my daughter sonali studies as she is having trouble in her studies.
    pl pray for my husband's job also as he has been laid off. He is applying for government job .

    thanks and may god bless you all
    in christ

  128. Heavenly Father,I come before your throne thanking you for your mercy and grace and for the gift of eternal life . Father, I know that as I lift these words unto You in prayer they will be fulfilled (Ps. 145:19) . Father, I believe in my heart and confess that our needs are met,we are out of debt, and that the windows of heaven are opened to us. I Loose the forces of heaven into our financial situation . I release the debt-removing anointing against all debt in the name of Jesus. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you,(John 15:7. I guard my mind against every negative thought that contradicts what I am believing from God's Word .With You God nothing is impossible .I wait patiently but, in expectation for an answer to my prayers. In Jesus name I pray .Amen!

  129. I have been through terrible financial distress for three years now.I have overcome many things divorce herniated disc in my back the economy and fire academy training.I have a 9 almost 10 year old daughter I have been living in my aunts house and I am falling behind on child support.I am almost a month behind now.Please ask Jesus to send me work a job to work with my schedule as a landscaper.Also please open and close the right doors and send me a firefighting job if that is where GOD wants me to be.Thank you.

  130. Please pray for me and my family. We had just experienced a typhoon causing flash flood that entered our house up to the waist. Thanked God we survived the ordeal. I pray that we will be able to restore or recover the damages done. Please continue praying as the news reported two more typhoons will be coming here.
    Please pray for me and Niccolo's health. I am diabetic and had undergone big toe amputation 2 weeks ago and Niccolo to recover from his Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis so he can walk again.
    I pray for the father of my kids to repent and to have the conscience to think of our situation. He is now with his mistress even in times where we needed him most.
    I pray for love, happiness and peace in our family. We are strong to overcome all the trials because Our Lord is with us. Thank you.

  131. I'm Albert G. De Guzman from the Philippines..I'm having problems financially. Please pray for me that I could be able to have money soon for my expenses like rent, food, attorney's fee etc. Please pray for me that I could be able to surpass or solve the case filed against me ..I hope God will soften their hearts..Please pray for me that someone will help me financially. Please pray for me that someone will understand me and help me financially until next week or this month,...Please pray for me that I will be blessed more with students at NCLEX-RN Review Center and at NC-CLEX...Please pray for me for my continued strength and for my wisdom to fluorish...thank you so much for the prayers

  132. I am in need of $6000.oo for much needed dental work to be completed.
    The dental work will be done in the next couple of weeks so I need this financial miracle to happen soon.
    they will not finish the work until I pay the whole amount.
    Thank you for your prayers and God Bless you.

  133. Please pray for my ex & i to reconcile. his pride is standing in the way. we both hurt very amuch. we love & miss each other so much. thank u for your prayers. Blessings kandace

  134. I am in need of a financial miracle. Our debts out weigh our ability to pay and I am out on disability because of eye problems. Please pray that these debts can be paid off.

    Thank you and God Bless


  136. Hallelujah

    I would like to say thank you Jesus. I had a debt $ 270 000 that has been canceled. It is a miracle!

    Thank you, thank you God for this! I am so grateful. I will always be a follower of Jesus. Amen.

  137. Dear Lord, please help my son in his great time of need. He is facing problems at office with his salary hike. He has not been given a salary rise for about 2 years now and facing great worry and tension because a few of his juniors have been given the rise in salary. He has been working hard and has gained a good grade in performance, but due to some unknown reason, he has not been able to get his due. Lord, we come to Your feet at this great hour of need, please hear our prayers and answer us. Work a miracle for hi and bless him and help him to get his salary raise. You will not discard us at his time of need, O Lord, we trust in you and have faith that You will see his pain and help him miraculously.

  138. I need all of your prayer for me to get a good job. I am too frustrated with no job for last 6 months. PLease pray for me.

    Please pray for my sister to have a child. She got married 6yrs before. I have beleive in god . I know he will do a miracle in my life. Your prayer is very essential for us . So pls pray for us.Thnx


  140. Pray for my busineses and my farm . And for money to begin a new transport busines and for a filing stasion on my farm.

  141. I need urgent help with my finances and to keep my job. Please pray for me. My name is Leon. my e-mail is

  142. Dear Lord, Please supply me with all my financial needs as my wife and I are struggling.We know Lord That only you can supply us with this.Please pray for us in our times of need and make this miracle happen . We know that this has been done already through out the heavenly realm and we thank you Lord in the name of the father,Son and Holy Spirit Amen

  143. Please pray for my wife to get a full time teacher job in Australia.

  144. we need prayer for our home and our future the bank could take away our home rather than working out the details, we need the lord to accomplish his will in our lives


  145. please pray for me for my finances and so i can be positive towards my family and friends and co workers and for a dream mate for me and for a better life for me and my family and the whole world and for my boys father that he will change his life and for me so can stop judging other people but myself

  146. I was hired by a company on June 1, 2009. They moved me from Pittsburgh to NYC. My boss and his boss as well as other Sr. Executive were all fired. After only four months, I was laid off. Please pray that I get a job quickly. I sold my house in Pittsburgh thinking that I would have a long career. Cathy

  147. Lord Jesus I thank you for you word and for you concern that you have for my everyday needs. I, Lord Jesus, want to ask for $ 300,000 dollars to be total dedt free and still have money to tithe and give to good works that are helping children who are in need and preaching the good news to the poor. O Jesus your word says ask and seek you first. so i ask to be dedt free and i know you can do this . I ask for you wisdom and knowledge in the kingdom ways. I know that I have faith in you and your word. I need to have 2,700 for palo alto morgage 700 for orchards morgage,300 for water bill 10,000 for back taxes on lockwoods to get me out of forclosure,3,000 back taxes for orchard 73,000 for my total balance on orchard 120,000 for the total balance on palo alto, 10,000 in my hospitol bills 5,000 on my credit card, 5,000 to finish the house.3,000 to tithe 3,000 to save 1,500 for offering and 1,500to invest. Jesus I know that you can do this ! I beleave your word . Yo desire that your servant prospers in every area in my life. I thank you for doing tis and am looking forward to letting people know that you are the jesus who answers prayers.

  148. Believing for $385,000 DEBT FREEDOM

  149. I ask the lord to bring the man I love & I into a committed relationship, I seek for us both to be happy again with my faith in god it will last till end of time, I knock please open his heart with mine amen

  150. please help me ask God for forgiveness of sin. i have sinned so much.
    please i need success in my business and i want to be collecting payments three times a week from my clients.

  151. prayer reqeust God created miracles money, full time jobs profits health, favor
    Retroactive salary, back, phone calls, supernatural blessings,freedom,homes, cars,
    Abundantly power, wealth, good news, loosed the money east, north, south, and west
    Approved and released all the settlements checks, moneyMoney that is due rightly mine, checks, promotions, refund checks
    Anna, Marie, Katrina,Lee, miller, davis, Bernard jr,sr, akil, Alicia, chyla, twshanda, dreke
    Tim, Martha, cindy, lostine, Jason,Patrick. Thank ps. 23

  152. jesus plz im getting worried as my exam is nearing which is on oct 25 and i still havent received my hall ticket please pray for me to get my hall ticket and to get selected in IAF.. please please pray for me as that is my life ambition...and from few months im emotionally getting disturbed please pray for me so that i can get through these mental tensions ...praise the lord jesus plzz bless me plz jesus luv u soo much ..amen

  153. My God help me in attaining a stable financial position. I want to get a good home for my family. For the past 15 years we are living in rented accommodation. Help me Ohh Lord,help me.
    Also my job is totally unstable like. I would like to get a better job with better income. Thank you.

  154. please ask God in jesus name to get me out of debt

  155. Please pray for me family. We are suffering greatly right now due to unemployment and our inability to meet our financial needs at this time. We need money to pay our rent which is due on the 15th of this month. We also need money for food.

  156. I am hopeless in solving my financial problems, only God can give me the solutions, i have great faith that He will lead me in order to find solutions towards my financial troubles. sometimes I almost want to die but God makes me realize that He is always there to guide me and will never leave me. Please pray for me.

  157. Please pray for me and my husband that we can keep our stress level down. Please pray that me or my husband will not have to serve jail time. Please pray that my father in law will pay the restitution.

  158. Hi,
    I need prayer for NEEDED financial help and these are not wants.
    I need money for Christmas presents and my trip. Money to pay bills and money to see my blind friend and help him.

  159. prayer request for sis deepa who is in the ICU. doctors have diagnosed her for 95% malfunction of kidneys and have advised her for dialysis. please pray for her quick recovery and complete health.

  160. dEAR lORD jESUS,
    tHANK-YOU FOR SO MUCH ABUNDANCE IN THIS WORLD, however i do not have any spare money, my daughter is now living at home after finishing univercity and she has still found no employment and it is is hard to keep her as i am also unempoyed.
    i am so worried about my female dog i need to take her to the vets i have animal insurance on her but the vet says i must pay the bill up front and then claim the insurance. I cannot pay the bill upfront and it seems so heartless of vets company not willing to treat an animal they can claim the money off the insurance so it seems even people who claim to be animal lovers only want their money first. I am beginning to completely despair of this money grabbing world where nobody wants to help anyone and everyone puts a price on anything they do. How can anyone have a beleif in a world like this and how can anyone practice a faith and try to help anyone with anything when all i ever meet up with is people who put money before anything else.
    Pray for my poor dog who will have to wait for the vet until i get enough money together whenever that may be.
    Oh Lord please give me strentgh and bless me.

    Please ease my worry lord as i love my pet so much.

  162. Subject : Lord Jesus Christ please help me to further my job contract as I now use a sharp thing to cut into my body in order to keep on praying, pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, a-men.

  163. Lord Jesus Christ, I am your servant, do with me as you will. I love you with all of my heart and soul!
    Lord Christ, I come to you for help. We are so behind on everything Lord and we try so hard. We need a money miracle lord so that we can fix our lives and help other's, we so want to give Lord.
    We need to move in to a bigger home and we can not afford it Lord. My husband served this country and is now ill Lord, I am devoting the rest of my life to you and my kids and my husband Lord, I am trying to do what I can to help other's, but I can barely help myself.
    Please bless us Lord.
    In your name I ask Jesus.

  164. Please agree with me in prayer for the Spirit of Victory in my life.. Thank You so much.. In Jesus Name, Amen.. Marliza

  165. Please pray for Mike T in Georgia. Very Depressed. Needs a Financial Miracle. He is Lonely and feels forlorn. Please pray for a wonderful miracle in his life. Thank you so much for your prayer.

  166. Please prayfor me to get out of the financial bondage which am experiencing now. I have confessed my foolishness and now I will live for HIM as He dies for me

  167. I need prayer for my financial situation. I am about to start my company which has a christian outreach to help people with mental illnesses and others in need too. I need a large sum of money by monday 2 november. Please pray that God gives His blessing. In Jesus name

  168. i WILL like you to pray for me please, pray for my family and for me make my business blossom, i reasonly bought a house it's hard for us, i also work at the post office, i have a small business, i'm a dj hoping and praying one day to get big,I will like to upgrade my music system, i made a list and estimate it came up to $150.000.00 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFHTY THOUSAND TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO DOLLARS.I WILL LIKE TO BE READY FOR ALL JOBS. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.

  169. please help me Lord Jesus I need 4000.00 dollars before the end of this month I need to pay my mortgage bills and my husband business rent its been slow I was behind in bills cheques that came in I paid what I could now I am in depesart need of your prayers and help antonietta find a job that she likes Thank you in advance

  170. Please Lord Jesus let my husband business pick up and the city calls him with more and more jobs and let me be able to pay off laurin I owe over l000.00 by nov14th and help me if its possible to put money aside and pray the marvin will call me and he will continue with us and lord Jesus I applied for disabilty please help me be accepted amen

  171. Im so thank full for the people who prayed for me ..i received my admit card and the exam is tomorrow which is on october 25 plz pray for me to clear the exam and to get selected plzz pray for me .thanks a lot jesusyu have given me more than i want and more than i deserve please bless me to get through and to get selected plz pray for me....praise the lord amen...

  172. Please pray that God reconciles and restores the marriage between Todd and Tammy Moore and also pray that God touches Todd’s heart and softens it and that God comes into Todd’s life, heart and soul and guides him back home to his wife and children. I ask this in God’s Holy name.

  173. Hello My name is Danny Blankenship & I’m a 43 year old Man very Honest / Confident an Positive minded - Great Hearted person that has allot of Self Pride. So this is very hard for me to do, but its either "Swallow" my pride & just ask for help to get "My Head back Above the Water" or "Stay Stubborn" & keep trying to Patch the wholes in the "Ship" while it continues to sink & Be "Stripped" of my pride ! So really I’ve come to a dead end & I need Ur help.! "So Please",don't turn a deaf ear on me now - just hear me out - I'm not asking for each person to send me a large financial donation ! Any donation big or small, will help me & my family ! I’m struggling everyday to stay a float & I'm starting to fall behind on so many bills that i constantly dread the phone ringing & my credit is now to the point i can not borrow any money & i have "No" Credit Cards . So with Christmas is fast approaching and I'm so worried there will be nothing under the tree for my two boys & grand daughter this year ! But honestly my 2 boys R old enough to understand my situation !
    This is not a "Lost Cause" if U decide to "HELP ME" ! So Just to help U understand & to let U know that My Financial back slide was caused by not having a"Job" & being Unemployed for 9 months ! But recently i have been blessed with a New & very stable "JOB" now & I am working full time now but it is Impossible to catch up, because Im not making the same amount per hour as my last job & their is not & will not be any over time . But i asked my Boss & he is allowing me to flex my hours at work that will allow me to get off work earlier too hopefully find extra work ! That will help get me out of this Financial Strain I'm under ! So "PLEASE" all i need is a little help from everyone too help me catch up ! and like i said any Donation will be "Greatly Appreciated" & God will bless U 10 folds back ! Thank U very much for Ur time & may God bless U & Ur families !

    ******* So just "Pray" about this & if God leads Ur Heart to send me a Donation, then here is my Mailing Address to send it Too;; Danny Blankenship
    386 east Saunders Rd C318
    Dothan, Alabama

  174. Praise and thank you my son is working this week and will be riding in the van with the rest of the crew. He needs to continue to get work and get his house payments and utilities caught up. He's got several other bills outstanding so help through these difficult times. Praise you and thank you for the answer to this prayer.

  175. I have a Travel Business which i do it on part time to support my family and already a client has not paid me for 8 months and now another client has been delaying the payment and this is going to be worse. Please pray so that my client clear my dues and iam out of financial stress. Ratna Prasad

  176. Please pray for me and my family. I am a land broker and need a sale now. I am facing foreclosure and loss of everything. The debt and lack of work and buyers is causing so much stress. I can't sleep well and can not provide for my family. I feel it is hopeless and no end in sight. I have thousands of oil leases and yet no takers. Thank you and God Bless you all

  177. I am a female with a good job but lil money. Not even enough to pay my bills each month. I don't even have heat I am cold. I live off spagetti and I work so hard why. Please pray for me that the Lord shows me favor and provides for me and my daughter I need new windows in my house to keep out the cold and the house rewired for air conditioning to be able to sleep at night in the summer months. I would also ask you pray for me to be able to afford a divorce from my husband who left us 10 years ago and was unfaITHFUL. Lord please help me solve these problems with my house and for my IRS problems. Help my daughter finish school and become a hairdresser or whatever your will is for her . Please show her patients and don't let her be lonley. Let her find someone good to love and love her back in returnHelp me and show me favor in my job. Help me and show me not to be selfish with your glory but that others may see your glory thru me and praise you for it. I thank you for my church and my health and my sister and my family Lord . Show me the right way to not be frugal and to give to the church foirst and then myself. I need heat ,new windows , new gutters and some trees cut down so they don't get back in my water lines and stop up my plumbing. I need to be able to afford my medicine and a good meal. My job is so trying and please help me understand what I am doing and saying to the customers and let me advance and help me to help myself finacially. Help me get my electric and mortgage paid before January so I don't have to sweat. I just want to thank you Lord for everything you have done and everything you are gonna do if it is your will. You said ask and you would answer so I am asking. Lord show me a miracleBless David and Rosie,Mike and his mom Kerry and her mom Shannon and her mom and dad ,Sherry Lou , and my kids.I ;love you Lord and thank you for hearing me

  178. I am a single moher heavily in dept,please pray so I can work and pay my depts,so i can orovide my children with what they need.I have lined up a sale that would help us greatly but humans have shut the door for me unfairly..please pray that the lord may open those doors for us i know everything in the universe belongsto him if he wills it noone can shut anything from us.please pary for us so that we will be dept free

  179. I'm in love with a wonderful woman, her name is Melissa F, and she means the world to me. I've never felt so at home and connected on a spiritual level and ask The All Mighty Father and his Divine Son, Jesus, to grant the two of us a loving and lasting relationship and family. She gives me unending strength, courage, and fills my heart with a passion for living.

  180. i am 23 years old a strong believer of CHRIST! all was going good in my life but now after completion of my MBA my life seems to be stuck up and i fall prey into d hands of the evil one and get into lust...i ask Jesus forgiveness and repent truely
    Kindly pray for me that i get a good job and a life partner that he has made for me so that i may stand as a sign of Victory to Jesus!!

  181. I am badly in need of a monthly income to help myself and others. I am having trouble financially because our finance person has been replaced and my sources are now almost nil. I need to be able to use the credit card I have been given freely or have this man replaced. I need prayers now. I am broke.



  182. Dear Prayer Warrior!

    Greetings in the loving name of Lord Jesus Christ from the Himalayan Republic of Nepal!

    My name is Ashish Sinha and I am married. I was born in a Christian family and when I was young I accepted Christ as my personal savior and after two years I took the water baptism. I am going Zion Salvation Church.

    In 2000, I went to the Saudi Arabia to work because of my poor family condition. Then two years later, I returned to my country and I opened one small Christian bookstore (Grace Books Store) in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal and I finished the B.Th (Bachelor of Theology).

    In Nepal, by the grace of our God, Christianity is increase day by day but, we don’t have good materials such as theologian books, devotional, tracts and Bible doctrine to build up to Christian maturity. My vision is open this bookstore in Nepal to know about truth words of God in non-Christian and to build up spiritual things in Christian people.

    Today, my bookstore seals is going very week day by day because of my poor financial problem. I don’t have any support from others. I live in third world country (Nepal) and it is very difficult to me invest the money in my bookstore. I don’t want to loose or close my bookstore due to financial condition. I know also that God will help to me on my Problem. When you are in praying time please, pray for my bookstore that God will provide my needs.

    Bible teaches to us ‘Help each to other’. If you interested to help me any kinds of help: send the books for me (free of cost) or second hand books, translation project in Nepali language or any kinds of help, then it will help to me to increase the bookstore seals.

    I hope that you will write me soon

    In Christ,
    Ashish Sinha

    My address is:

    Ashish Sinha
    C/O Anand Sinha
    GPO Box 1615
    Kathmandu, Nepal.

  183. I'm a sinner soul who born in this world.Because of my greedy money,i had to jump into debts bound of miseries where lead to the end of my moneyless.O my Father,Pls forgive me and my debts to be less so that i can happily live with my family and my big desires is to become a good follower with you and help to lead this world for help who those in needs.

  184. Please pray for my husband and I. We face debt we can not re-pay unless we receive a financial miracle immediately. I have been in prayer so long about this but our situation seems to be getting worse. Please pray that we will be delivered from this agony and that our debts will be erased or repaid immediately. I ask this in the lovely name of Jesus, the miracle worked. Thank you!

  185. thanks a lot praying for me ...i received my hall ticket and i wrote my xam succesfully..results will be declared in this month please pray for me so that i will clear the xam nd get selected...please pray for as this is my life aim nd without my living on this earth is waste...please pray for me like my boy frd is moving away from me and startedloving some other gal please pray for me so that he gets back 2 me and he is soo care less nd reckless nd doesnt understand me at all plz change his mind nd pray for him plzz ...please pray for my exam results please jesus luv u soo much plz jesus praise the lord i only hav u 2 tell nd share my sorrows nd happiness plzz i believe u soo much wat im 2day is only bcoz of u please nd i hav many mental tensions ppl around me r insulting b soo much when im nt part of the blame ppl are blaming wit out reason please for me so that i get releaved from the mental tensions and problems i hav plzzz.amen

  186. heavenly father please wat all the attempts i hav made im failing in all the things ..please pray for me for my xam which im going 2 write nw please jesus help in getting gud score nd i get admission in gud university nd 2 get visa..praise the lord ...amen

  187. Please pray for my husband, Pepe. He is very stressed about losing his job. We are having financial problems. He is working long hours and not sleeping enough. Please pray for his physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Thank you. Elizabeth

  188. I beg urgent intercessory prayers. Please help in praying for my son, raymon, who has lost his job and is on one month's notice period. Dear Lord, bless him to get a good job with good pay before this one month gets done. Help him please Jesus. Without Your Grace we are lost, please do not abandon him in this period of trials and needs. Lord, have mercy and hear our petition. When all of us pray for the same cause, Lord, we are promised you will agree with it and grant our petitions. Work a miracle, O Jesus. thank You and praise You, amen.


  190. Please Pray for my financial FreedomNovember 6, 2009 at 1:00 AM

    Please pray for me to end my debts. Please pray for me to have financial freedom. Please pray for me to have an establish, stable career that can provide abundantly for myself, for my loved ones, for my family, and for others. This i pray in jesus name, jesus blood, wounds, heart, Marys heart. Through intercession of holy angels and Saints . Amen.

  191. Please, pray for financial blessing for my family, my mother Vjera and uncle Nikola. We have lot of expences for uncle healing from stroke. Please pray that we have enough money for needs!
    Also please pray for financial blessing for my friend Marina and her family (a big one - mother, father, 2 sisters, 2 brothers in law, 6 neices).
    Thank you very much

  192. calvary greeting to you all in the name of our lord and saviour jesus chrst.
    I'm asking for your suport in prayer ,that the Lord should make me indeed a blessing to Househoold, Family,Relations and friend.
    cos' i am the First SOn of the Family looking up to for Help an support.
    pls, i want you to pray for me that God will bless me Financialy Materily Accademicaly and Spiritualy.
    Thanks i look forward for you reply.
    Thanks and God bless.
    Bro. Emeka Godswill Uzoechi.

  193. In May - Oct 2008, I was involved in Invesment collecting some money from my friend and relative offering 2-6% weekly interest. that time, i thought that it was not wrong. I get the interest also in time. But the things broke out in oct 2008. That was totally ilegal and I come to know that there was no investment at all. The interest that i used to got was also from other invesment itself. Now I am in trouble, I have a debt of Rs 30 lakhs. No one can help me to clear my dept. GOD is the only one who can help me. So, I am waiting for the God Miracle, I used to pray to GOD many times, So, I reguest all my christian mate to pray for me

  194. Dear Sirs,

    Since last 5 years i am trying for a baby but still i am childless. I consumed lot of medicine for a child but it gave some other side effects, that is cyst formed on my both ovaries. I suffer a lot during my monthly periods.

    Request you all to pray for me that the Lord should do some miracle in my life. Due to this problem my husband is very much irritated on me.

    please pray,




  195. Please I am in great need and requesting prayers for a financial miracel.Please, Please ask God to help me and my familyhome is in foreclosure need $6,000.00 now to pay and catch up on all my bills and debts, please go to God for me and my family we are in big,big money problems and we need help now today. Please ask God to make a way out of nowhere for us to find a way to get this money to take care our mortgage, light bills, personal loans, and buy food. help us to pray to God help pray for peoples all over this world.Thank you for prayer for us and with us to overcome every money problems we are having. God Bless. Doris and Family in miami, FL. thank you.

  196. praise the lord pastor,i m m.pothumuthu(,m.phil-unmarried-28years),having kidney problem,i ve no father,mother only living in tamilnadu near by virudhunagar(india).please pray for my kidney problem i ve to recover from my illness very soon, i am believeing lord jesus only still now amy family members also.tahns for reading this mail,thanks father,pray for me

  197. please pray for me that i will be able to pay all my debts and continously help my family's financial needs

  198. its me sean smith dont care who knows my name.when you pray to Jesus for me. I wanted you to know my name.I live in ohio yes i love Jesus A lot.All my life I've lived as a man homeless,poor,and under a curse from my forefather.Im sick of lack of nice things.I have a lot to be thankful for and I thank Jesus every day.But bills lights,food,gas etc..It's all killing me.Pray Jesus Christ our Lord will brake this cruse of poverty.500 years of sickness.


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